
Lexus Grand Launch

Lexus Grand Launch

<Ceremony House>

Build a House in House
  • Logistic is the problem, if we organize the event at 5-star Hotel ballroom.
  • All 5 star-hotels are far from LEXUS Dealers, Moving time from Hotel to LEXUS Dealers may push down guests excited feeling and interest.
  • On the hand, LEXUS Dealer facilities, except Showroom doesn’t have big enough place to accommodate more than 100 guests with LEXUS quality.

 Build this Ceremony House including side wall and ceiling in the Yard space, 5th floor of Dealer building.

<waiting launch>


The First-ever Photograper Stepbox for good shooting view


– Announce New Brand effectively to compete powerful competitors of Mercedes, BMW & Audi.


– Create a Notable Topics of Fashionable Society by Out-of-Box Grand Opening Ceremony to:

  • Build Ceremony House inside of the Dealer Premise. This Ceremony House is used only for 2 hours Grand Opening Ceremony, and Scrapped later to return a part of Dealer Premise.
  • Wrap LEXUS Dealer Premise. Hide all LEXUS item inside of the Wrapping. Even VIP can’t know the all of LEXUS before the Ceremony.


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